St. Joseph’s School
2024-2025 School Supply List
2 Boxes of 16 Crayola crayons (standard size & colors - not chubby)
1 bottle Elmer’s white liquid school glue
2 Elmer's disappearing purple glue sticks (standard size - not chubby)
1 pair of Fiskars child scissors
2 packet folders (plastic coated lasts all year)
2 packages standard #2 pencils (not mechanical/decorative)
2 pink erasers
1 Crayola watercolor paint (8 colors)
2 tubs Play-Doh
1 standard size plastic flip-top school box
2 boxes of Kleenex
2 containers of Clorox wipes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
Headphones (no earbuds)
Backpack or school bag
Please don't bring markers, colored pencils, or pencil sharpeners.
Please do not label supplies - we will do so.
Personal supplies:
Box of 24 crayons
Markers - classic colors (2 packs)
School box (plastic)
Pointed Fiskars scissors
Water bottle
Composition notebooks, wide ruled (2) - no spiral
2 pocket folders
1 pair of tennis shoes for gym (velcro if they cannot tie shoes by themselves)
Classroom supplies:
#2 pencils (1 pack) - not mechanical
Pink erasers (2)
Pencil top erasers (1 pack)
Glue sticks (2 single sticks)
Colored chiseled tip white board markers (1 pack) - no fine point
4 large boxes of Kleenex
2 containers of disinfecting wipes
Please know that classroom supplies will be used by all students, no need to purchase expensive items
24 count box of crayons
Dry-erase markers (5) - preferably black
Colored pencils (1 pack)
Markers (1 pack)
Glue sticks (4) - no liquid glue
(1) Fiskars sharp-pointed scissors
Latex free pink erasers
Large box of Kleenex (1)
Clorox wipes
Composition notebooks (4)
Headphones (no earbuds)
School box (to hold supplies)
1 container of disinfecting wipes
1 dictionary
6 plastic two-pocket folders
8 Elmer's washable school glue stick (22g)
Headphones in a Ziplock bag
Post It notes
1 packet index cards
Flexi-ruler 12 inches/centimeters
1 1-inch 3-ring binder
1 packet #2 sharpened pencils/mechanical pencils
24 colored pencils/crayons/markers
10 dry erase markers (preferably black)
50 sheet protectors
1 pair scissors
1 reusable water bottle
Post It notes