St. Joseph’s School has a financial assistance program available to those who desire help with their child(ren)’s tuition. The monies in this program are made available through the generosity of St. Joseph’s School supporters. It is their desire to see that all children have the opportunity to attend St. Joseph’s School, because of their belief in the benefits that a child experiences by receiving a Catholic education. We are eternally grateful to them for their continued support.
There is only a certain amount of money available for financial assistance, and each year that amount varies. We do try to accommodate as many families as possible. St. Joseph’s School does give preference to those families that are registered at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.
Complete funding will not be given for tuition. Families need to carefully consider what they can afford to pay towards their child’s tuition.
A Tuition Assistance Application must be completed and submitted to the school office by July 1st. Families applying for assistance will also need to provide a copy of their Federal Income Tax Return. A Tuition Assistance Committee made up of the pastor, school principal, and business manager will determine who will qualify for tuition assistance, as well as award amounts. All applications are kept confidential.
For any questions regarding the application process or any other matters pertaining to financial assistance, please do not hesitate to call the school office at 701-572-6384.